Slept Like A Rock



  “I slept like a rock” . I inwardly hate it when someone makes that statement. It’s not that I hate the person, or the sharing of information about their great night’s sleep. It is hate based totally out of the envy of not being able to make that statement myself. I guess, I could say I slept like a rock, that is if rocks sleep three to five hours a night and rose between 5 and 6 am every morning, regardless of when they went to bed. In my case bed is never before 10 pm and more often as not… around midnight.

I follow all the rules. No late eating. Dark, cool room. No TV watching in bed. A little fan noise in the background. Super cozy bed and my heart shaped “huggy pillow” that is a carryover from heart surgery a few years back. No matter the results are always the same. I’m staggering down the hall feeling like I’d been beaten in the night. I feel more rested after waking up from a colonoscopy. Rocks, on the other hand, sleep in river beds or flower beds and even ant beds. Think about it. It’s just not fair.

By the way, I paint rocks. Or, I should say that I highlight the faces I see in them as they sleep in their beds. We will talk about that in a future post. I have to go get another cup of coffee. Peace



I enjoy receiving comments and questions.  Please leave them below. -Peace

Whether whimsical, serious, abstract, done in ink, watercolor, acrylics, oil or enamel, on a board, a scratch pad or a canvas… “What it is, is what it is….it just falls out of my mind into the pen”. Richard Davies has been a writer, artist and musician most of his 67 years. Though very eclectic in his median, each is used to create a tangible representation of an important moment, event or thought from the minutest everyday occurrence to the earth shattering event that numbs the mind.

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