When Winston Met Sparks- Part 2
Winston only lived a couple of blocks from the town square and he could already smell the fresh bread baking at the bakery. Maybe he would have to add some to his list, He thought to himself. Winston turned the corner on to Main Street and saw a power utility truck. Its bucket was going up and up beside a tall power pole. There was a man inside the bucket with huge rubber gloves on and Winston chuckled. He looks like a seal with flippers…he chuckled again and began to whistle as he waked by.

Winston noticed the back door of the Animal Shelter was standing wide open and it was dark inside. Maybe the power is out and that’s why the repair man was in the bucket. He was going to fix it. Makes sense…he thought, as he continued walking toward the square. Then something caught Winston’s eye. It looked like something was looking at him from the shadows inside the Animal Shelter. Just two shiny eyes. That’s all Winston could see. He started toward the door thinking maybe one of the animals got loose and he’d tell someone to check it out.


There was a loud BANG! And sparks flew everywhere from the wires just above the open door. Winston instinctively ducked and covered his head. At that very moment Winston saw a flash of movement just in front of him.. Before he could react a small, terrified puppy leaped into Winston’s arms. He was whining and shaking like a leaf. His head buried under Winston’s arm. Winston tried to calm him down and stoked the puppy’s neck . It’ll be alright little guy. It’ll be alright.

Winston heard a man shout from the open door. “Is he alright? So glad you caught him. I was cleaning his cage and had the door open for some light and he must have slipped out. He’s a smart little dog. ““I think the loud noise scared him and he just ran some place he thought he would be safe”…Winston replied. Winston noticed the whining and shaking had stopped. “See, I told you you’d be alright” Winston said. Winston extended his arms to return the puppy to the man and for the first time saw the puppy’s face. His big brown eyes sparkled and one ear seemed to hang crooked. He felt a tremor run through the puppy’s body.
and back. It’ll be alright little guy. It’ll be alright. Winston heard a man shout from the open door. “Is he alright? So glad you caught him. I was cleaning his cage and had the door open for some light and he must have slipped out. He’s a smart little dog. ““I think the loud noise scared him and he just ran some place he thought he would be safe”…Winston replied. Winston noticed the whining and shaking had stopped. “See, I told you you’d be alright” Winston said. Winston extended his arms to return the puppy to the man and for the first time saw the puppy’s face. His big brown eyes sparkled and one ear seemed to hang crooked. He felt a tremor run through the puppy’s body.
“Where did this puppy come from/” Winston asked the man. “Don’t know” he replied. “Found him at the back door one morning…just sitting there. He sure could use a good home. He’s had all his shots, already house trained too…that is one smart pup.”
Part 3 is coming soon from the “Mind of D”
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